
Working holiday

MK’s moment in the hotel EP 21

We googled what happens when we move to the new country during the pandemic. I believe there are more people do same as us. The result shows which country we can travel during this situation, but we were not able to get the information afterwards. There might be people who are thinking to study abroad, working holiday, moving abroad and others.
Working holiday

The reason of going abroad during COVID-19 EP 20

Studying abroad, working holiday, moving abroad... Many people around you might be worried about going abroad during COVID-19. You also feel anxiety a lot.
Working holiday

Comparison between Japan and the Netherlands EP 19

We have stayed in the Netherlands for a month. As a Japanese couple, we talked about the weather, food, COVID-19 situation, language and public transportations in the Nethelands.
Working holiday

Walking with MOZA mini-P EP 18

We toured the residential area with MOZA mini-Pon New Year's Day in the Netherlands. We haven't really watched fireworks in the previous video, but how about local people?
Working holiday

Down jacket repairing EP 17

My brand new down jacket I got just before coming to the Netherlands had a small hole at the end of last year. Down feather came out of the small holes that opened, and I couldn't wear precious winter clothes at all.